
Call of Duty: Black Ops trailer should help you remember everything

Not that you'd want to remember the atrocities of war, but when you're left to the whims of a scientist in a suspicious lab ... what choice do you have? The new teaser trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops -- coming on November 9th from developer Treyarch -- delivers a fragmented sequence of action scenes, taken from several wildly different environments. If Vietnam is in there (and we're definitely getting a morning whiff of napalm), it's one of several theaters of war.

Judging by the situation in the operating theater, the game may be structured around a series of flashbacks. We're sure the doctor will help us remember more clearly. "I've given you something extra to assist" in the trailer above.

(Umm, unless he's saying, "I've given you something extra, too. A cyst." Kinda gross.)