
CBS suits up, promises iPad-friendly HTML5 video for all content by this Fall

Visit from your iPad right now and all you'll get is a full episode of Survivor and clips from various other shows. By the start of the Fall season, however, CBS Interactive SVP Anthony Soohoo is promising content parity between its Flash-based website and HTML5-compliant iPad portal. While on the subject, he also notes that the video strategy will be entirely web-based, with no plans for an app à la ABC Player. Flash isn't being subjected to a veritable slapsgiving, however, as it'll remain the desktop technology of choice. Soohoo notes HTML5's toolset for measurement and encryption isn't quite at the same level yet. Full video interview after the break, and iPad users? This fall, expect something quite legen -- oh, you know where we're going with this, but still we'll pause for dramatic effect -- dary.