
MMO Roundup: Massively's week in review

Another busy week in MMO news from Joystiq sister site, as NCsoft's Guild Wars 2 continues their information waterfall, Blizzard lets us all know that they don't plan on slowing down any time soon and Star Wars: The Old Republic shows us companion characters. Follow along for more of this week's biggest MMO news:

Blizzard assures more growth to come for World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft has been stagnating for the past few years, even though it doesn't seem like such a word could be applied to a game with 11.5 million subscribers. While the number is certainly impressive, it's stayed the same since 2008 -- something that no developer likes to see.

If you cheat in Guild Wars, Dhuum will kill you
No, seriously. Guild Wars players hanging out in Heroes' Ascent this afternoon noticed an interesting sight. Dhuum in all his giant shiny glory was popping in and out of different districts, banning people with a swing of his scythe. What was it all about?

Complement your Star Wars: The Old Republic character with companions
What would Han be without Chewie, Luke without R2-D2, Robin Hood without Little John, or Hall without Oats? Pretty darn boring if you ask BioWare. This is the key reason for adding companion characters to Star Wars: The Old Republic.

All Points Bulletin still set for consoles, but in a different form
The longstanding search for a console MMO is ongoing, with All Points Bulletin coming up as one of the bigger hopes for the near future. It's been announced, however, that while the game is still slated for consoles, it's not going to be ported straight over from the PC version. That's the word from EJ Moreland, lead designer, who recently went on record saying that as the development of the game progressed, it became more and more obvious that the game wouldn't work as a straight port of the PC version.

Federation guide to choosing your first starship
Greetings, fellow officers! Welcome to another edition of Captain's Log, your weekly dispatch from the far reaches of Star Trek Online. I hope everyone had fun tooling around the cosmos with the developers on Monday. Sadly, technical difficulties prevented me from accessing the Tribble test server. So I'm making all my engineers wear red shirts on away missions for the rest of the week -- that'll learn 'em.

EVE Online Tyrannis launch day roundup
EVE Online's long-awaited Tyrannis expansion is finally upon us and here at Massively we're celebrating with a roundup of our recent Tyrannis coverage. The expansion's main feature is a form of planetary interaction that gives players the ability to colonise and industrialise the planets of New Eden.

Exclusive: Aion's Chris Hager talks 2.0
Aion news is coming fast and furious of late, as Massively brings you another exclusive interview with Lead Producer Chris "Kinslon" Hager. Last week we spoke about the 1.9 update, currently slated to hit the live servers in early June, as well as the general state of the game. This week we chat about the monstrous 2.0 patch due in the Fall, as well as take the wraps off the new teaser trailer direct from Korea. Finally, we've got some exclusive screenshots of the new content in action.

Community guide to Warhammer Online
So here it is: the first installment of Waging WAR, a weekly column about Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. Every Saturday, the column will deliver the latest in information, press news, stories, debates, and more about WAR. What happened in Praag this week? Are they serious about such-and-such going live with the next patch? Are Shadow Warriors fixed yet?