
Guild Wars surpasses 6.5 million sales, sequel will be released 'when it's done'

As Guild Wars 2 preps for its US hands-on debut at PAX this weekend, we followed up with NCsoft about the current state of the series. The publisher informed us that the original Guild Wars has now sold over 6.5 million units. Roughly half of those copies found homes in Europe, with Germany making up the largest fan base, which is why the publisher debuted hands-on gameplay for the sequel at this year's Gamescom.

As for Guild Wars 2's speculated release window, NCsoft is taking the Blizzard approach to the game's launch status and saying "when it's done." A representative for the company told us an MMO -- even one like Guild Wars 2 that is going down a different path -- can't be released nowadays until it's finished. It's a lesson NCsoft learned harshly through Tabula Rasa. Hopefully the eventual launch of Guild Wars 2 will wipe the slate clean of that painful memory.