
Oprah studio guests scream for free iPads, her "favorite thing ever"

Oprah Favorite Things iPad

Do I now have to buy an iPad to give to all my Oprah Winfrey-watching relatives for Christmas? Oprah just helped Apple boost their 2010 iPad sales figures even higher by featuring it on her "Favorite Things" episode on Monday. Oprah has aired this segment each year since 2002 and in the past has given her readers cars, trips, electronics, jewelry and clothing. While Oprah has picked the iPod 5G for inclusion on her favorite things list in the past, this year the iPad was chosen as her most favorite thing, and all 275 studio guests received one. Calling the iPad her "number one favorite thing ever," Oprah said that from "our very first moment together I knew it had stolen my heart."

The audience was pretty excited about the freebie but seemed to be a little more excited (and rightly so) about the 2012 VW Beetle they also received. I wonder if they know they have to pay the taxes on that "free" car?Update: Seems VW is paying the taxes on the cars. (Thanks @Doug)

Studio guests this year also received a five-year subscription to Netflix, a 52-inch Sony Bravia 3D television, and a Nikon D3100 digital camera. Click Read More to watch video of the audience screaming when they find out about the iPads.

[via CNNMoney]