
PTR patch 4.1: New fishing dailies appearing in Undercity

Currently on the PTR, there is one new fishing daily for the Horde found in the Undercity. This new fishing quest requires the player to fish up a severed abomination head from Undercity. As of right now, it appears these quests are a work in progress, as only one quest is available, and the Alliance versions of these quests are not yet implemented.

Blizzard has stated that Cataclysm is intended to keep both Orgrimmar and Stormwind as the central hubs for players to congregate in, with portals to Cataclysm zones and daily profession hubs. With new fishing dailies being added to other cities, players will be traveling to different cities just a boat or zeppelin ride away to make use of some of the underused assets in the game. If people have now noticed, the amount of content being added for patch 4.1 (and potentially, 4.2) constantly grows larger. Combined, these could be some of the more feature-rich patches in WoW's history.

WoW Patch 4.1 is on the PTR, and WoW Insider has all the latest news for you -- from previews of the revamped Zul'Aman and Zul'Gurub to new valor point mechanics and new archaeology items.