
Alfred 0.9 adds global hotkeys, preference sync and more

Alfred is a launcher and Finder utility for the Mac that I dearly love. The team released version 0.9 today, which represents another big step toward the 1.0 version. This version adds global hotkeys, sync options, custom terminal commands, improved iTunes DJ and more. Here's a look at what's new in Alfred 0.9. Note that many of these features require the optional Powerpack.

Global Hotkeys

At the top of the list is global hotkeys. Now you can map a key combination to your favorite application, file or AppleScript and summon it in an instant, even when Alfred isn't the frontmost application. I've already set up a couple for TUAW's back end, Gmail and some other stats. It's super handy.

Preference Syncing

Those using Alfred across Macs will enjoy preference syncing, which uses Dropbox or iDisk to share a preference file. No more, "D'oh! I'm on the wrong machine for that!" moments.

New Hide/Quit/Force Quit Commands

So many people use Alfred simply as a launcher, and that's fine. Those who wish for more will find plenty of goodies. For example, I often use Alfred as a spell checker. Just call up its window and type "Spell" plus the word you're after. The correct spelling will be pasted to the clipboard.

Version 0.9 lets you hide, quit or force quit an app just as easily. Enter the command and click the target app (or hit its corresponding key combination) for mouse-free action.

Also, the iTunes DJ function has been improved. Basically, this Powerpack feature lets you control what's playing in iTunes. Version 0.9 steps it up by letting you add songs to existing playlists on-the-fly.

There's more to this update, and we urge you to check it out. The team is working full steam ahead as they approach the 1.0 release, which we're eagerly anticipating.