
Wings Over Atreia: Into the Abyss (real life) I go

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I can stop any time I want to. Really. It would be as easy as nuking an El Roco. You believe me, right?

Has anyone ever suggested to you -- even in jest -- that you should take a break from Aion? Maybe step back, venture outside, and check out that thing called "sunshine"? (Don't worry, you really won't melt!) Sound familiar? It's not like the game will disappear without you in it. And a break might do you good, especially if the game seems stale and you feel you've "been there, done that" 50 times over.

I know I could step away, easy-peasy. But then, even on vacations across the country, I have managed to slip into game long enough for daily quests and checking the broker. Computer in the shop? Pfffft -- just steal the kids'; I did buy it for them after all. *cracks whip* Now hurry up with that homework! I could step away... if I wanted to. I just don't want to.

Well, Mother Nature obliged, succeeding where even vacations and broken computers couldn't: I have been forcibly removed from the world of Atreia for a week now. Amid my new quests of obtaining drinking water and procuring a real shower (hot water and all), I found my mind flitting back to those daily tokens I was missing. Oh, and the weeklies! This made me stop and consider how enmeshed in Aion we are (I can use the excuse it's my job, right?). Can we really completely step away from the game we love -- and love to hate at times -- or is there a point we might even miss the drama?

Is it possible to cope without wings? Check past the cut to see how I fared.

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Go ahead and laugh. Yes, I really am nerdy enough that my mind will drift to my virtual world of choice even when I am not in it. I have written stories, managed websites, even talked to friends at church about my games. And why not? It's a part of my life and one of my most significant hobbies. I honestly think of myself as fairly well-adjusted... and I have the schooling to back that assessment up! Of course, I may also be just a tad self-delusional. Regardless, Aion has been a significant consumer/devourer of my time for a couple of years now, so suddenly being without it is slightly unnerving. I don't need to play, of course, but I am not thinking only of myself, but of others.

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Power off

Not only am I missing out on daily quests, but nothing is on the broker at the moment. Think of all those poor folks missing out on my 50% attack speed reduction godstone! Or my Balaur bloodstains. While I certainly don't need to play, it would be a service to my fellow Daevas to get those trinkets and treasures back on the market. So before a full day of my nature-imposed ban passed, I was trying to devise a way to find a friend with both internet and power that I could swipe. Since I put off buying a laptop (curses reasonable thinking!), do you think they would notice if I lugged my whole tower set-up over?

Alas, while such thoughts were entertained, I never pursued them too hard; I really am not one to put people out. And I can certainly go a few days without thinking about Aion or having it influence my behaviors. Besides, there was much to focus on other than beloved Atreia. Heck, there are tasks I have put off that I suddenly have time for now. And the more I get done now, the more game time I get later, right?

After the realization that flight-time wasn't going to be forthcoming, I dived right into life out in the sunshine. I had the opportunity to group up and check out the new content in my very own area. Without power, I saw my fellow Dae... er, neighbors... sitting out on porches, talking and visiting with passersby. Statics (aka families) took walks together. I saw PUGs forming to complete new quests and conquer the new boss, Flood. While I know that the devastation found in many areas is heartbreaking and I do not mean to trivialize it in any way, watching people band together to overcome this world event is heart-warming and inspiring. And all without any loot or daily quest credit!

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Survivor: Aion edition

So how do I fare? I can honestly say I didn't get the shakes or curl up in the corner with glazed eyes whimpering "Crucible, just 350 tokens... I only need one minute... ". However, not a day goes by that I haven't thought of the game in some form, either wondering how legion-mates are doing, musing over whether my dagger dropped and some gladiator got it, or hoping I am not missing some cool daily surveys with goodies for the upcoming second anniversary... ahhhh when can I log in?? NOOOOOOOOOO. No, really, I am making it through just fine. And tanking up on some serious doses of vitamin D, too! I haven't felt missing the game has really influenced me. Not at all.

I know we all enjoy gaming and take our games seriously, even if only at times. Hey, work hard, play hard -- it's only fair, right? Nothing wrong with that. And I am sure we all have had that "I could/should be doing... " carrot dangling in front of us. But I challenge everyone to unplug occasionally; don't wait for a natural disaster or fed up spouse to do it for you (when the cold turkey withdrawals might be harder to manage!). You don't want to be found wandering the streets aimlessly or trying to feed that local farmer's porgus -- trust me, you really don't want that "gift" it will leave you. Plan for your time off so you aren't left sitting at your desk, stroking your Aion mousepad with longing. Wean yourself a little when you know there is a set time you get to dive back in. Honestly, it makes you appreciate the time you spend back in Aion more rewarding. Maybe little things won't irk you as much. And avoid the burnout that makes you want to throw in your wings and quit at the same time.

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Your turn

Ready to try it? You can do it, trust me! I'm a pro at it now. You can start small and work up. Start by leaving all electronic equipment inside and lock yourself out of your house. There, you have gone without Aion for however long it takes to get a locksmith to your place! Next, get in the car and drive until you visit a city you have never been to before (again, no laptops or wifi allowed!). When you are stronger, give a loved one the power cord to your modem with express instructions to not return it for a certain time frame no matter how long you beg, whimper, or cajole and no matter what you promise.

Also, having an emergency preparedness plan in place is key to a more comfortable experience sans game. So here is my quick Aion-less survival guide: Stock up on Oreos (hey, they distracted me pretty well) and bottled water/soda/drink of choice; have the contact information of another Daeva whom you can call to get updates about what's happening in-game (and/or just listen to him or her play and live vicariously); and have a designated surrogate gaming location with permissions already in place. Another option is taking a power company employee hostage until your service is restored, but he is likely to just eat all your cookies and drink your stuff.

Alrighty folks, my allotted time of stolen internet is at an end. It is with more sadness than usual that I leave you this week, but I look forward to bumping wings with you all soon. If could just get power back... Besh is calling to me. Baby needs a new pair of daggers!

Soaring through the Aionosphere, MJ Guthrie touches down weekly to bring you Wings Over Atreia. Featuring tips, guides, and general snippets of life in Aion, the column is better than Tutty-on-a-stick, ackackackackackack! Have a suggestion to share? No need to bribe a Shugo -- just send mail to