
How to transmogrify your mail wearer into a glimmering gladiator

Upgrading your armor proficiency in WoW is a pretty forgettable aspect of the game, but to the transmogrification enthusiast, it creates some potentially interesting looks for level-capped players who wear mail. Mail worn before level 40 is intended to be worn by warriors and paladins and thus has a very different aesthetic than the green and gray mail that hunters and shaman are accustomed to.

The look above is an all-mail set created with hunters and shaman in mind, especially those who are sick of looking like earthy animal lovers all the time. By combining a few utilitarian-looking accessories with several pieces from an extravagant level 30 armor set known as Glimmering Mail, we're able to create the look of a flashy celebrity gladiator who is ready to win the crowd once more.

Want to recreate this look?

  • Head No transmogging necessary. Turn helm display off.

  • Shoulders Glimmering Mail Pauldrons Lvl 25 BoE world drop, obtained through the Auction House or farming (Scarlet Monastery Graveyard and Gnomeregan)

  • Back Knight's Cloak Lvl 29 BoE world drop, obtained through the Auction House or farming (lvl 30 to 40 rare mobs) The troll camps in the Hinterlands and the the Dwarven digsite Bael Modan in Southern Barrens are good places to farm. This is a random enchantment cloak, so you may find variations of it such as Knight's Cloak of the Bear. Any blue cloak can be substituted to the same effect, but the ones with gold trim work best.

  • Chest Glimmering Mail Breastplate Lvl 26 BoE world drop. Obtained through the Auction House or farming (Scarlet Monastery Graveyard)

  • Shirt Brawler's Harness (optional) If you can find one of these shirts, it really pulls the whole outfit together nicely. Prior to Cataclysm, this shirt used to be generated during character creation for orc or troll warriors. If you have any low-level Horde warriors, you might have this shirt on without even realizing it. Check your alts! Alliance players will obviously need to use the neutral Auction House to move this over.

  • Wrists No transmogging necessary. The gloves will hide them.

  • Hands Thorbia's Gauntlets Lvl 18 BoE world drop, obtained through the Auction House. You can farm these too, but they're so easy to find on the Auction House because they're blues and people are more likely to post them; just check back regularly. You can also try substituting in the Glimmering Mail Gauntlets, which match the set and can be farmed in the Scarlet Monastery Graveyard along with the shoulders and chest. I personally find having the gloves match the rest of the set a bit overwhelming though, but if it stirs your Kool-Aid.

  • Waist Mail Combat Belt Lvl 29 BoE world drop, obtained through the Auction House or farming (Scarlet Monastery Library) Any brown belt will do for this outfit, though.

  • Legs Glimmering Mail Legguards Level 25 BoE world drop, obtained through the Auction House or farming (Scarlet Monastery Graveyard and Gnomeregan)

  • Feet Banded Boots Lvl 27 BoE world drop, obtained through the Auction House or farming (lvl 30 to 33 rare mobs) Most brown boots will work, provided they have the folded-over look at the top. The fold is important to the silhouette of this outfit, so pay attention that you don't get a pair of boots that hug the legs.

  • Main-hand weapon Dwarven Hatchet Lvl 10 BoE world drop, obtained through the Auction House or farming (The Deadmines or Ragefire Chasm)

  • Off-hand weapon Resplendent Guardian Lvl 36 BoE world drop, obtained through the Auction House or farming(Scarlet Monastery Library) Like Thorbia's Gauntlets, this blue should be easily picked up off the Auction House.

For dual-wielding players (enhancement shaman and hunters) who won't be transmogging a shield, any large or flashy weapons can be substituted for the axe and shield combination featured in this outfit. Just be mindful of the colors you pick; gold- and silver-colored weapons look best with the ensemble.

Finally, as the pictures imply, this outfit tends to look best on female characters. Male characters can wear it too, but the gold color is much more prominent and loses the gladiator feel by covering up too much skin. If you want to use this outfit on a male character, try substituting different pants models with simpler designs and dark colors.