
One Shots: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

There are many different cosmetic costume choices to be found in DC Universe Online, either through gear purchased off vendors or picked up as drops. Thanks to that variety, you stand a good chance of having your character look fairly unique. That is, unless your friends decide to have some fun with the in-game ability to switch costumes at any time. If that happens, you might face a situation like Zlaine shows off in today's One Shots. He writes in to explain:

"I just started playing DC Universe Online a couple of days ago. I was with a group of people doing bounties and we had just finished the Gotham circuit. I wanted to take a screenshot for fun, when the group leader decided to change into the exact same style of gear to spice things up. The similarity is uncanny -- right down to the violet emissive eyes. Seeing double? Don't worry, you're not the only one. Hopefully he won't turn out to be my evil twin a la Katherine from The Vampire Diaries."

Has someone pulled off a practical joke on you in an MMO? Have a screenshot of it? If so, we'd love to see that picture. Email it in to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a note that tells us all about it. Your image could wind up being the next one we post here on Massively!