
Breakfast Topic: What's your favorite WoW holiday?

This Breakfast Topic has been brought to you by Seed, the AOL guest writer program that brings your words to WoW Insider's pages.

Everywhere my characters went at the beginning of the year, NPCs were shouting "Happy Lunar Festival!" Elders waited to hand out Coins of Ancestry. And yes, yes, I indeed slew Omen. It made me think about all the holidays that WoW includes. Whether you are risking your life trying to get to an Elder you know is hidden in a dungeon during the Lunar Festival, searching for bonfires during the Midsummer Fire Festival, or stuffing yourself silly on Noblegarden chocolate, everyone has a favorite in-game holiday.

I started playing near Halloween about 5 years ago. The person who taught me to play didn't tell me that the citizens of Azeroth liked to celebrate holidays as well. So imagine my surprise when I logged on, went to Stormwind, and found giant pumpkins staring at me, people wearing costumes and silly masks, and innkeepers handing out treats! Halloween is my favorite holiday in the real world, so when I logged on and found out I got to celebrate in game for a week? Yes, please! It made me love the game that much more.

Over the years, I have gotten to experience all the holidays that World of Warcraft has to offer. Each of them has a little something I love. Pets from Children's Week. Pretty dresses during Love is in the Air. And who hasn't taken on Coren Direbrew trying to get that Brewfest Ram? Hallow's Eve is still my favorite. Midsummer Fire Festival is a close second, because I love the excitement that comes from running full speed into the other faction's cities and stealing their flames. But no matter what holiday the citizens of Azeroth are decorating for, I am having fun just because it's a break from the norm for a week or two. Who doesn't love a break from the grind?

What's your favorite in-game holiday?