
Pioneer registers with the FCC for AppRadio

It seems like just the other day we were chatting with Pioneer about its interfaces for iPhones in the car, and sure enough, it seems the company has plans for even more integration between its in-car units and Apple's smartphone. A filing with the FCC has revealed something Pioneer is calling the AppRadio, which appears to be an in-dash unit that will hook up with apps on the iPhone, essentially turning your smartphone into the backend of your car's radio system.

Details on what the device does are slim, but presumably, this will do what Pioneer's other devices have done and hook into iPhone apps, like Pandora and Aha Radio, for content while allowing you to control that content more safely than bumbling around your car with the iPhone while driving.

We'll keep an eye out for this one -- once it wins approval, we'll probably see a formal announcement from Pioneer with lots more details.