
WRUP: Meanwhile, in the other universe ...

Every week, just at the start of the weekend, we catch up with the WoW Insider staff and ask them, "What are you playing this week?" -- otherwise known as: WRUP. Join us to see what we're up to in and out of game, and catch us in the comments to let us know what you're playing, too!

This is Fox Van Allen, reporting from "over there." I'll try to be brief -- this cross-dimensional communication bridge could give out at any time.

Who ever is able to access this report should know this: There are infinite parallel universes out there. The theory is this: Each event that occurs in our world triggers the creation of a parallel universe where said event turned out differently. Many of these parallel worlds are strikingly similar to ours -- and yet, at the same time, strikingly different.

In the parallel world I've traveled to -- over there, as it were -- the Department of Defense is located on Liberty Island. Martin Luther King, Jr. appears on U.S. currency. And perhaps most shocking of all, in this parallel universe, continues to be a source of information about World of Warcraft. Apparently, while the most technology over there is decades ahead of ours, the parallel universe is woefully behind our universe in terms of great daily local and national deals at your fingertips!

Further, reader, know this: Parallel universes means that there's more than one of everything. For each of us over here, we have a duplicate over there. Indeed, while infiltrating the Time Warner Center to file this report, I ran into my duplicate. A lengthy fight ensued between yours truly and the discipline-specced Faux Van Allen. We probably could have wrapped the fight up sooner, but we kept checking each other out. P.S.: Guess who's got a date this Saturday?!

Infiltration of parallel universes aside, it's still my WoW Insider-given duty to compile the WRUP for this week. Unfortunately, due unforseen quantum entanglement, some data from the WRUP over there may have been included in this transmission. We appreciate your patience as the editors over here resolve this issue.

Adam Holisky (@AdamHolisky) I'll be finishing leveling my hunter to 85 and then moving forward with leveling my little goblin warlock. He's a mean, green, fighting machine.

Adam Holisky (@AdamHolisky) I'll be at the big Senator Bachmann rally on Saturday, live blogging the whole thing for Redstate. If there's any time on Sunday, I'll finish leveling my demon hunter to 90.

Allison Robert (@AllisonRobert) More work on my little tank representation project, and probably some horsing around on the patch 4.2 PTR, if I can get the thing to remember I actually have toons there.

Allison Robert (@AllisonRobert) Finishing my The OverAchiever guide to the To All the Pandaren I've Loved Before achieve. More work on my little tank representation project, and probably some staring at the gigantic vortex that's opening up over the Colorado Rockies.

Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) Writing, and also doing some home improvement/interior design projects, hopefully without hurting myself. Also playing around on the 4.2 PTR, if I can get it to work right.

Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) Writing, and also doing some home improvement/interior design projects, hopefully without hurting myself again. Also playing around on the Emerald Dream beta if I can get it to work right.

Dan O'Halloran Questing through Hyjal in preparation for 4.2. I leveled through Vashj'ir at launch instead. Also, taxes. Yes, I'm late.

Elizabeth Harper (@Faience) Dragon Age 2 (... uh, for the third time).

Daniel Whitcomb (@danielwhitcomb) My dwarven warlock is 84 and only a few bars away from 85, so I'll finish her leveling out and maybe get her in a few normal dungeon runs so I can get geared for heroics. Also, I'll likely be poking around for new and interesting stuff on the patch 4.2 PTR.

Daniel Whitcomb (@danielwhitcomb) My ethereal warlock is 89 and only a few bars away from 90, so I'll finish him leveling out and maybe get her in a few normal dungeon runs so I can get geared for heroics. Also, I'll likely be poking around for new and interesting stuff about the new death knight class coming on the beta.

Dawn Moore (@dawnwow) I just got my first Windows machine, so I need some recommendations for good PC titles. I'd prefer nothing too old or animu. Good game play is appreciated. If story is the focus, I like gritty plots with few holes and characters that aren't one-dimensional or follow some overused archetype.

Dawn Moore (@dawnwow) More progression raiding on the shadow priest; I'll be covering hard modes in next week's Vampiric Embrace column. Oh, and I just got my first Red Hat machine, so I need some recommendations for good Linux titles.

Elizabeth Wachowski (@leeatwaterlives) My computer is in the shop for the time being, so I'll be watching my fiance play classic games on his new Wii and remembering that those games were very, very difficult. Can anyone beat the computer on Double Dribble?

Elizabeth Wachowski (@leeatwaterlives) My computer is in the shop for the time being, so I'll be watching my fiance play classic games on his new TurboGrafx 256 and remembering that those games were very, very difficult. Can anyone beat the computer on Bonk Racing: Double Dash?

Fox Van Allen (@foxvanallen) Just watching Fringe is all. Oh wait, no, there's something else ... maybe hitting the town wearing my ridicu-cool Power Rangers hoodie?!

Faux Van Allen (@foxvanallen) Just watching Full House: Generations is all. Oh wait, no, there's something else ... maybe a little bit of planning for my wedding to Dawn? :D

Joe Perez (@Lodurzj) Planning for the Matt Low and Joe Perez show on the PTR for patch 4.2 and eagerly awaiting a restoration shaman T12 set piece bonus that doesn't mysteriously look like our old chain heal glyph. Raiding, bear runs, and maybe some mount gathering. Oh, and then more PTR.

Joe Perez (@Lodurzj) Planning for the Thespius and Joe Perez show on the Emerald Dream PTR and eagerly awaiting a restoration shaman T9 set piece bonus that doesn't mysteriously look like our old Glyph of Ancestral Awakening. Raiding, dinosaur runs, and maybe some mount gathering. Oh, and then more PTR.

Josh Myers (@Elamqt) I probably should push through Hyjal on live on my hunter if I want to copy her over to the PTR at some point. My shaman leveled through Hyjal, but my hunter leveled to 83 through mining. Beyond that, softball tonight, kickball on Saturday, writing some stuff, and hopefully getting some PTR done in the midst of all of it.

Brian Cutaia (@cutaia_net) For the most part, I'll be halfheartedly pursuing archeology rares, while nursing some injured ribs. We'll just say I hurt them doing tricks on a dirt bike (because that sounds much cooler than the truth). If the ice packs and Naproxin do their jobs, I'll hop onto the PTR to obsessively report bugs. This all goes out the window, of course, if I can finally convince someone to bring me a copy of Portal 2.

Kelly Aarons (@Cadistra) Completing Children's Week, and I will probably do some more battlegrounds. Yes, the granola-crunching tauren druid has tasted blood, and it is wonderful.

Kelly Aarons (@Cadistra) Ran a few more pieces of concept art for the Nightmare Citadel raid past Samwise Didier, and he loved what he saw. I'm really excited with how it turned out, too -- can't wait to share it with you all soon!

Lisa Poisso (@emused) I have fallen prey to the Master Plan and feel compelled to level more alts. Moar alts, moar alts ...

Lisa Poisso (@emused) Still trapped in amber.

Mat McCurley (@gomatgo) I will be in Florida all weekend seeing family. It's a no-WoW weekend for the first time in a long time. I don't know how to cope.

Mat McCurley (@gomatgo) I will be in Florida all weekend wrapping up filming on The American President 3. It's a no-WoW weekend for the first time in a long time. I don't know how to cope.

Matt "Matticus" Low (@Matticus) Contrary to popular belief, I will not be playing Mass Effect 2 this time. I will instead be messing around hard on the PTR for 4.2 while eagerly awaiting signs of raid encounters with which I can wipe endlessly on. It will be legendary!

Matt "Maatikas" Low (@Matticus) I'll be spending most of the weekend playing Mass Effect 3. Messing around on the Emerald Dream beta, complete with wiping endlessly on raid encounters, can wait.

Sarah Nichol (@mentalshaman) I will be poking at the PTR and leveling my little gnome arms warrior! Well, after absorbing the remains of my birthday cake and watching the third episode of Doctor Who Season 6.

Matt Sampson (@Binkenstein) Playing (aside from WoW): Crysis 2, Portal 2, DoW 2 Retribution, Civ 5, and Plants vs. Zombies on my iPad while commuting to work.

*Tyler Caraway (@murmursofadruid) Crying myself to sleep again over how sad my life is. :(

**Tyler Caraway (@murmursofadruid) Crying myself to sleep again over how sad my life is. :(

*over here Tyler Caraway may not have said this, but I know him well enough to guess.
**over there Tyler Caraway totally said this.

The weekend is the perfect time to kick back, relax and enjoy some game time. Are you an achievement junkie? Can't get enough raiding? Rolling a new alt? Considering taking the leap into roleplaying? Whatever your favorite way to play World of Warcraft, let us know in the comments what you're playing this weekend!