
Blossom Minds targeting PSN, XBLA and Steam for first game

Earlier this month we saw the formation of Blossom Minds, a French indie studio with chia on the brain and small-scale productions at heart. Its first project has not been specified, but co-founder Jérôme Braune tells Joystiq that it would "surely" sprout on Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network and Steam.

"It's a technically advanced game and can only be done on those platforms," Braune says. "We are not making games for phones or Facebook. Nothing can beat the feeling of having a gamepad in hand."

Braune, who is one of the studio's ten co-founders (and a former designer at Eden Games), sees Blossom Minds as a necessary break from big-brand bureaucracy. "The communication has always been the biggest problem," he says. "Decisions are made, not always clearly explained to employees. When this happens, people tend to feel less involved in projects and less motivated." As Braune sees it, a small studio removes the risk of garbled, hierarchical communication.

Having a permanent publisher -- like Atari, in the case of Eden Games -- has its benefits, but Braune believes that game production under that model simply took too long. "Pre-production periods may last 18 months or more," he says. "It takes too long from the first concept ideas to the moment the game is shipped. For some games, the full cycle lasted more than 4 years. We want to make more games, more often."

Blossom Minds is a label for a "brand new adventure," Braune says, and it's meant to highlight the company's focus on creativity. "You can't imagine how many names we've thought about for the company before finding something which suited everybody." Oh, and there's one little secret in the name: If all their ideals germinate fully, they might just blow some minds.