
T-Mobile myTouch 4G designer Donn Koh unveils the process, how he brings the heat

Have you ever wanted a look inside the mind of a mobile handset designer? Of course you do, and so do we, for that matter. Donn Koh, lead designer of smartphones like Sprint's Evo 4G and T-Mobile's myTouch 4G as an employee of One&Co, has posted in-depth breakdowns of the design process on his personal website for our perusal. Check out the source for the full rundown -- especially if you enjoy well-designed, well thought out tech.

Update: At the request of Donn Koh, the design images that originally accompanied this post have been removed, and a note about his employment at One&Co during the design of these phones added. Sadly, the original posting is now password-protected, keeping the design process behind some of our favorite handsets under lock and key.

Update 2: Per Donn Koh's request, we listed One&Co as the source for this post and removed the content pertaining his comments on the design process. You can check out a bit about the HTC Case Study via the source link below.