
Perpetuum dev blog talks MMO complexity, implementation

Perpetuum - fitting screen

Why don't those silly devs just fix it? It's a single line of code! It would take a few seconds! If you've played MMOs for a while, chances are you've uttered (or at least thought about) a variation on those lines at some point.

We suggest a read-through of the latest Perpetuum dev blog, as it's a real eye-opener when it comes to the complexity that goes into seemingly simple fixes. Avatar Creations walks us through an example of the ricochet effect that can result from changing a single integer value, and while it's not light reading or intended for those of us whose eyes glaze over at the thought of anything technical, it's nonetheless an interesting peek behind the curtain.

The dev blog also illustrates the Perpetuum team's allow-anyone-to-fix-anything-they-can mantra, and you can read the full text at the game's official website.