
Blue Posts and Other WoW News: No druid gear displayed in feral/moonkin form, no fourth spec for other classes

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Blue posts

Showing druid gear
Just coming back to this briefly; There are some big technical limitations preventing us from allowing gear to show on Feral/Moonkin druid forms, and currently we have no immediate plans of working to overcome them. However, we could potentially start with something like the shoulders.

Fourth spec for more classes
I just wanted to pop in and say that the reason that we gave a fourth spec to druids was simply because it always felt as though they had four specs, but two of them were built into the one tree. This change was made to make the tank spec into a tree of its own instead of in a tree with their DPS build.

At this current point, we do not plan to implement a fourth spec for other classes because no other class feels like it has four specializations already.

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