
Steam mobile apps list genres for non-game software [update: gone!]

Steam mobile apps list genres for nongame software update gone!

Steam's mobile apps now list genres of apps that go well outside of gaming, suggesting a massive expansion is in the future of the digital distribution service. A Verge reader alerted the site of the new genres found on the Android app (including "photo editing," "utilities," and the thrilling "accounting.") We found the same list of non-game genres on the iOS version (above). They do not appear on the Steam website or in the computer-based Steam app. All of the non-game genres are currently empty.

We wouldn't take this as indication that Steam will start selling TurboTax and the like right away (or at all). We have no idea how long these genres have been visible in the mobile apps, only that people began to notice them last night. They could also be there in error. In any case, we've contacted Valve for more information.

For now, if you want to buy something from Steam that isn't a game, there's always Indie Game: the Movie.

Update: The mysterious genres no longer show up on iOS or Android. Something something Valve Steam vapor.