
Wii U Spring System Update coming next week

Wii U Spring System Update coming next week

Nintendo's Wii U will receive its Spring System Update sometime next week, president Satoru Iwata announced during this morning's Nintendo Direct event. The firmware update adds several quality of life improvements to the system, including improved load times when changing between software, or returning to the main Wii U menu. Also included is the Wii U Virtual Console.

Additionally, users will now be able to transfer data between USB drives and install background-downloaded software while playing other games. Installed software also has the ability to automatically download and install updates, without requiring the user to run the software first. Furthermore, the Wii U will now continue to download and install software while the system is powered down. You'll also be able to hold "B" at start-up to boot directly into Wii mode, if you're into that sort of thing.