
New wave of Connected Realms announced

New wave of Connected Realms announced

After the connection of the Skullcrusher and Black Dragonflight realms earlier this week, Blizzard has announced the next set of realms to be connected -- and this time, there's quite a list of them. Twelve realms total are slated to be connected, although a specific date for the connection has yet to be announced. However, Community Manager Bashiok provided the full list, noting that these are all US realms -- no EU realms have been slated for connection at this time.

As a part of our ongoing Connected Realms implementation, we will be connecting additional pairs of realms as listed below. We don't have a specific date yet on when these connections will occur, but we'll provide another update once we do. Please be aware that as a part of the connection process realm times may change to match each other.

Next Realm Connection Pairs: We're currently evaluating further realm connections and will provide updates as they're available. For more information on Connected Realms, please read the preview blog post here.

  • Balnazzar and Warsong

  • Gurubashi and Aegwynn

  • Dalvengyr and Dark Iron

  • Garithos and Chromaggus

  • Onyxia and Burning Blade

  • Maiev and Bloodscalp/Boulderfist

Note that the Maiev realm will be connected with the Bloodscalp/Boulderfist connection that was the first to be made in this process. Although an exact date for the connection has not been set, given the connection that took place during this week's maintenance, we can hope that these connections will also take place during regularly scheduled downtime. Players on these realms should continue to check back with the official thread on the forums for more updates as they become available.