
New Mount and Make-A-Wish pet now available

The Fey Dragon was datamined a while back, and now this new mount is available on the store. This incredibly pretty mount is bundled in with the Alterac Brew Pup, and as you'd expect, they both apply to all current and future characters on a account.

The Fey Dragon is a flying mount, but it has no skill requirement apart from riding -- if you can't fly, it'll walk, but it also scales up to your fastest flying speed, so if you're flush enough in-game to get 310%, then the Dragon will do that too. What's more, in a first for WoW mounts, it's color-changing! Gone is the need to get it in every color -- your first and only Fey Dragon will be every Fey Dragon you could want.

As WoW Insider reported yesterday, the Alterac Brew Pup, as part of a long line of rescue dogs doing great deeds, is having part of its proceeds -- 50% of the $10 cost -- donated to the Make-a-Wish foundation. As Wowhead mentioned, it's a battle pet, and you can find out more details in their Battle Pet database. The donation will be made to Make-a-Wish whether you buy the pet by itself or the pet and mount bundle.