
Amazon offers $20 credit on select EA pre-orders including Dead Space 3, Crysis 3

We've seen the Amazon $20 pre-order credit deal pop up a bit in recent times, and here it is again on four upcoming Electronic Arts games. If you pre-order one of Dead Space 3, SimCity, Crysis 3, or Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel, you get a code for $20 credit towards future purchases. Yes, that credit's tied to Amazon, regardless it ain't to be sniffed at.

There are other pre-order bonuses tied to some of these games, such as the Limited Edition goodies and Amazon-exclusive Enervator gun for Dead Space 3. The SimCity pre-order gets you access to its Limited Edition as well as the beta, which runs this weekend. Crysis 3 bundles in the original Crysis, and Amazon's exclusive is the Brawler Pack.