
LinkedIn Contacts for iPhone is now available

LinkedIn has released its next expansion with the new iPhone app LinkedIn Contacts. The app collects your contacts from your phonebook and services like Gmail, Yahoo and Evernote. It then uses that information to create a sort of personal assistant which organizes your interactions with business partners across your services.

When you look up a contact, you're shown your "Relationship," email exchanges, personal messages from LinkedIn, calendar appointments and other interactions. You can filter your contacts based on parameters like companies, job titles or locations to optimize your results. Going to a business meeting in Oklahoma? Search through your contacts by location and see if there's an old friend to catch up with.

The To Do section of the app keeps you up to date on whose birthday it is or who recently changed job titles. Finally, the Calendar portion allows you to quickly go over the background of the people you're scheduled to meet in case there have been any changes since you last spoke.

LinkedIn Contacts works with the company's upcoming web service of the same name. You can request early access now by visiting their website, but the service is not required to use the app. The LinkedIn Contacts app is free and currently available for download in the app store.