
Sunday Morning Funnies: Shadows

Sunday Morning Funnies           SUN

Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics.

In comic news this week, Sara & Kleeyo has moved to a bi-weekly schedule, although we might see the odd extra update now and then! This week, there's a guest comic up by Lackinganame (of Gratz).

Lackinganame asked a question in last week's comment section. How does the size of our current comic list compare to the size of the list in the past? Well, it fluctuates. But I think it's pretty comparable! We have a lot of comics right now that are pretty consistent with their updates, which really helps keep the list sizable.

But we're always willing to add to it! Start your own and nominate it, or submit the link for a comic you know of.

Finally, Dark Legacy Comics this week features some interesting filler, because the creator was out of town. Check it out if you'd like to see something a little different than usual.