
Around Azeroth: G.R.O.S.S. (Get Rid of Slimy ghoulS)

Around Azeroth GROSS Get Rid of Slimy ghoulS TUESDAY

No, you can't come in our clubhouse. The sign says "no girls allowed", and that applies to val'kyr girls too. We're busy making important guy plans, and we don't need your ethereal estrogen mucking up the place. Complain? Who are you going to complain to, your mommy? Wait, you don't mean ... her, do you? Listen, maybe we can make a deal, just don't call the -- damn it. I beg your pardon, my Queen! We were just letting this fine young example of your most honored val'kyr into our residence. I don't know how this terrible misunderstanding has come about. After all, are we not all your children, Dark Lady? Please don't disembowel me. (Thanks to submitter Zombiefu of The Angels of Anarchy on Doomhammer [US-H] for the screenshot!)

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