
Some forum advice for the next Ghostcrawler


With Ghostcrawler's departure from Blizzard Entertainment on the horizon, one of the burning questions in everyone's minds is "who will be his replacement?" Well, I personally have no idea, but no matter who it may be, player Lubricious has taken it upon himself to offer some advice for that fortunate (or unfortunate) soul, endorsed by the man himself.

The titles of the six helpful hints are as follows:

  1. Everything is your fault.

  2. Performance expectations are 100%.

  3. Sometimes, the players are right. Sometimes.

  4. Anything you ever say is a promise

  5. You can't make everyone happy.

  6. Don't try to force fun.

Click on over to Lubricious's original post and check out the complete context for yourself--I think the entertaining and thoughtful advice will strike a chord with anyone who has worked in a broadly customer-facing position. We wish Ghostcrawler himself the best of luck with his future endeavors (Liz Harper's and my guess is on an Oceanography-themed MMO featuring playable giant isopods), and to whoever does step in to fill those large, crustacean shoes, we wish them luck too!