
Sunday Morning Funnies: So cardboardy

Guilded Age

Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics.

This week, in comics: A limerick, a task to impart wisdom, a leap of faith, missed experiences, an ending. Plus: Owltupus!

In comic news this week, Erik of Away From Reality will be working on a new project! It is called Father's Shield, and will update every Wednesday. There's more information linked in the list, as well as the first comic, but it will be more serious than Away From Reality and not connected to its characters.

Gratz also recently started a new project, called Solace. In addition, Lackinganame surpassed 500 posted comic pages this week (across all books of Gratz and including the new Solace pages). Congratulations, and thanks for all the hard work bringing us entertainment each week!

Russell Brooks of Experience Boost will be attending a convention this week (Dragon Con), and so there may be fewer updates to post next week.

A few of our sporadically updating comics did not update this week, including WoW, eh? and Kibble & Bit, and Teh Gladiators should appear next week. However, Sara & Kleeyo has new content up, and NPC has a new Hearthstone storyline. Contested Territory updated with two pages, which is a nice bonus.

Ready for the comics? There might not be any corgis (like last week), but we do have a half gator!