
MakerBot shows off a trio of new apps: Desktop, Mobile and Printshop

Yeah, the hardware was the big reveal at today's MakerBot press conference (in some cases, quite literally), but the company also had some software to show off; namely a trio of new apps. First off is the new Desktop app, which lets you monitor and control your prints and access MakerWare, a feature that lets you view your print. It's set to arrive next month for free. Also new is MakerBot Mobile, an app that lets you monitor and control your printer remotely. The app also sends alerts to let you know when the prints are complete. You can also download prints directly from Thingiverse. That one's also free and will be coming to iOS in the spring, with Android to follow later in the year.

The last addition to the MakerBot ecosystem is Printshop, a way to actually get those pesky 3D models to print. There are two ways to use it: a text feature, which lets you print out words and a bracelet maker, which, as you've no doubt already figured out, lets you design your own plastic wrist wearables. The app also features number of "Verified" files from Thingiverse, with easy access to good models. That one is coming to iOS this spring, with Android to follow later.