
Daily App: Simbol is your cheat sheet for universal symbols and their HTML codes

Anyone who has dabbled in HTML quickly learned most of the tags necessary for laying out pages using the markup language. The most challenging ones to remember are for the lesser-used options like symbols. If you find yourself always looking up the HTML codes for these uncommon symbols, then you should check out the new Simbol app from Cultured Pixel.

Simbol has a plain UI, but its power lies in its extensive library of HTML symbols including math symbols, Greek symbols, ISO 8859 characters and Apple-specific symbols like command and option. You can search for a symbol and easily copy the HTML code from the app into your document. There's also an equation editor that allows you to create a string of characters and copy all of them to another document. This latter feature is especially helpful for users who work with math.

Simbol is a niche app for the person who is knee-deep in HTML on a regular basis. It's a simple, but effective tool that does exactly what it claims to do -- it gives you an easy way to find the HTML code for obscure symbols. The Simbol app is available for free from the iOS App Store. The app is compatible with the iPhone and requires iOS 7.0 or later. There are no ads or in-app purchases.