
Rumor Roundup: Passing the click savings on to you

Analyst says not to expect reversible USB Lightning connector to ship with iPhone 6 (9to5 Mac)

"Accurate" analyst Ming-Chi Kuo gets no points for saying something we already knew. Assuming this rumored accessory was ever a real thing to begin with (which is a big assumption), it clearly wasn't going to come out with the next iPhone.

IPHONE 6 LEAK: 5.5-inch iPhone shell shown off in hands-on video (BGR)

Naturally there's tons of proof that this is a genuine part and not one of the dozens of mockups and fakes that have circulated for months. Just kidding! There's no proof whatsoever that this is a genuine part.

My favorite part of this article has nothing to do with the rumor itself:

"Apple is scheduled to unveil one or both new iPhone models next week during a big press conference on September 9th and then we can finally move on... to iPhone 6s rumors."

*insert image of the dude from Scanners with the exploding head*

Here's another way the iPhone 6 might disappoint you (BGR)

Saved you a click: this is just BGR's failworthy, clickbaiting take on the MIng-Chi Kuo rumor cited earlier.

New iPhone 6 phablet photos reveal a critical detail that might affect your buying decision (BGR)

Saved you another click: BGR helpfully notes that the larger-screened iPhone will be larger than currently shipping iPhones. This is the kind of hard-hitting reporting you can only get from the very finest of rumormongers.

iWatch Said to Be at 'Engineering Verification Test' Stage, Components Now in Production (MacRumors)

This article is sourced from Digitimes, and MacRumors predictably fails to mention that Digitimes has a worse accuracy record than a sniper with cataracts and a bad case of the DTs.

New leak may confirm a crucial 5.5-inch iPhone 6 specification (BGR)

Saved you yet another click: the same battery photo that "leaked" last week or the week before shows it has a 2915 mAh capacity. The markings on the battery clearly indicate it's a prototype and not meant for a production unit, which I think is pretty much exactly what I said the first time this photo did the rounds.

Apple reportedly discussing mobile payment partnership with Nordstrom (9to5 Mac)

This story comes from the always-reliable "people familiar with the matter."

Despite my ongoing cynicism about the likelihood that the next iPhone will have NFC, I still hope it actually does. I'd love to not have to mess about with a stupid piece of plastic to pay for stuff anymore.

Of course, I also live in the backblocks of New Zealand, so even if the iPhone 6 did have NFC, it wouldn't matter a bit down here. Meh.

Digitimes says iPad Air 2 will be 'thinner' and have 'improved fingerprint recognition' (9to5 Mac)

10 points awarded for stating the terrible source for this article right in the headline and saving us all the trouble of clicking. Minus several million points for paying attention to anything Digitimes says and reblogging it despite knowing full well they have nothing accurate to contribute to any conversation about Apple, ever.

IDC: With new iPhone, phablet shipments will surpass portable PCs this year, tablets next (9to5 Mac)

10 points awarded for stating the terrible source for this article right in the headline and saving us all the trouble of clicking. Minus several million points for paying attention to anything IDC says and reblogging it despite knowing full well they have nothing accurate to contribute to any conversation about Apple, ever.

A lot of speculation arises around U2's involvement in iPhone 6 launch (9to5 Mac)

This is one of the most out-there rumors I've seen in a long while, brought to you from one of the most out-there of sources. I don't believe a word of it.

Apple design head Jony Ive ahead of iWatch debut: 'Switzerland is in trouble' (9to5 Mac)

Here's the relevant quote from the New York Times article:

"According to a designer who works at Apple, Jonathan Ive, Apple's design chief, in bragging about how cool he thought the iWatch was shaping up to be, gleefully said Switzerland is in trouble - though he chose a much bolder term for "trouble" to express how he thought the watchmaking nation might be in a tough predicament when Apple's watch comes out."

I would bet a truckload of shiny nickels that no "designer who works at Apple" would be stupid enough to talk to the NYT about anything Ive says. Apple's actual design team is very small, tight-knit, and closed-mouthed.

There's a Kiwi on the design team who's so reluctant to engage with media of any kind that when his alma mater contacted him and requested that he give them some feel-good quotes about the university and how it prepared him for his career at Apple, he basically said, "Yeah, nah." But sure, a member of Apple's design team is totally going to the Times with the latest quote from Ive.