
This iPhone bowling game uses Apple TV

bowling central

When the Wii first came out there was just one game that people needed to see before they realized they wanted one: Wii Sports. Of all the sports minigames included in Wii Sports the most popular was bowling, and now iOS gamers who have adopted the Apple TV can mimic that experience with a motion-controlled bowling game of their very own. It's called Bowling Central, and it's a great example of how the Apple TV could become a gaming device even without game apps of its own.

Using the AirPlay functionality of the Apple TV you can boot up the game on your iPhone, toss the bowling balls down the virtual lane using the smartphone and watch the action play out of the screen in front of you. It's a pretty slick little setup, and I wish more games would consider doing things like this. I know there are a few, but seriously, let's get the ball rolling. No pun intended (ok, maybe a little).

[via Cult of Mac]