
WoW Moviewatch: Ebesleezer Groodge

Wowcrendor is still on a roll with his 10 Days of Winter Veil celebration, and his latest offering is a Warcraft take of the holiday classic A Christmas Carol. Naturally, the lead is played by a goblin -- did you really expect anything else? I was delighted to see the return of Billy the orc, even if his fate is somewhat ... dubious in this particular tale. I was also delighted to see Groodge's outfit, because my forsaken priest is wearing the exact same thing, although Benediction has been turned into Anathema. The colors just go together, you know?

With four offerings left, I'm wondering what we'll see him come up with next. It's A Wonderful Life, maybe? For more from Wowcrendor, be sure to check out his Youtube channel and subscribe.

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