
Google Contacts lists verified Maps info for businesses

All you need to type in is the business' verified phone number.


Google has updated its Contacts web app to become much more useful, especially to people visiting new places. So long as you save a business' official phone number that matches its info on Google Maps, its Contacts card will automatically show its Maps-verified name, official address, website URL and operational hours. 9to5google spotted the new feature and also noted that the card comes with a shortcut that links to the business' Maps listing, as well.

Google launched the preview version of the redesigned Contacts web application over a year ago to pool "together all... the people you talk to most in Gmail." It has remained largely the same ever since. According to 9to5google, all users will get Maps integration within the next three days. We don't have access to it yet, but the publication has posted this example:

[Image credit: 9to5google]