
Pandora AutoPlay spins a custom mix when a playlist ends

One of Rdio's best features makes it to Pandora Premium.

Pandora Premium has been out for a few months now, and today the company is adding a notable feature from Rdio, the music-streaming service Pandora purchased in the fall of 2015. AutoPlay does just what it says -- when you finish listening to an album or playlist, Pandora will keep right on playing. But rather than looping the album or playlist, Pandora will generate a queue of songs based specifically on your listening habits. Those songs will also be tailored to the music you were just listening to so it hopefully matches up well with what you're in the mood to hear.

Having used AutoPlay in its previous incarnation as part of Rdio, it'll definitely be a welcome addition to Pandora Premium. The $10/month streaming music service competes with market leaders Spotify and Apple Music -- and while we found there's a lot to like about Pandora Premium it's also not quite feature-complete yet. I have little doubt that AutoPlay is a good addition to Pandora, but hopefully the company will add more robust queueing features soon. For now, the service doesn't let you add any songs, playlists or albums to an ongoing queue as you go, something pretty much all of its competitors do. And Spotify has been slowly rolling out a similar feature; when you finish an album or playlist, it automatically plays a related artist radio station.

Of course, it's also worth noting that there's a bit of uncertainty around Pandora right now -- the company is said to be looking for a buyer. That doesn't mean that Pandora's music services are going anywhere, but it's hard to say what a purchase or new partnership will mean for it going forward.