
Twitter will let you pin your favorite lists in its app

Testers will be able to switch their timeline to any public list.

The lists feature hasn't received a ton of love from Twitter over the years outside of Tweetdeck, but lists can be extremely useful for organizing accounts by interest or to quickly see the latest tweets from your closest friends. Last month, though, Twitter gave lists a bit more prominence by testing them on the Home tab of its app, and now it's testing an option to quickly switch between tweets about your favorite show or some travel inspiration accounts.

You'll be able to select which lists you can swipe between in the home screen and pin them to the top of your lists page for easier access, whether they're ones you've created or public lists made by others. A Twitter spokesperson confirmed to Engadget this is only a test for now, and a limited number of people will see it in the app for the time being. In any case, by bringing lists to Home, Twitter is aping the utility of apps like Tweetbot, which lets you set a list as your main feed.

Update 7/10/2019 6:11 PM ET: Added clarification from Twitter that this is a test for now.