
Nintendo is bringing the Switch to Brazil at last

It pulled out of the country in 2015 due to high import tariffs.


More than five years after it stopped all of its direct sales in Brazil, Nintendo says it will soon release the Switch in the country. Since the console’s debut in 2017, the only way people there have been able to get their hands on the Switch is through imports or resellers.

Nintendo pulled out of Brazil in 2015 due to high tariffs on imported products. There’s certainly an appetite for the Switch there, though. In July 2019, developers and fans ran an unofficial Nintendo Direct in an attempt to persuade the company to backtrack. More significantly, President Jair Bolsonaro lowered taxes on game imports last August, according to The Rio Times.

The country is the fourth-largest gaming market in the world, according to Comscore, behind India, the US and China (where Nintendo released the Switch late last year). There are an estimated 84 million gamers in Brazil and although 64.3 million of them only play on mobile devices, there’s still a significant market for Nintendo to tap in to.