

  • Latest Lord of the Rings Online dev diary explores creating the characters of Rohan

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Adding to the stampede of developer diaries focusing on Lord of the Ring Online's upcoming expansion Riders of Rohan, Turbine has released the fourth episode of Bringing Rohan to Life titled Creating the Character. In this video, Executive producer Kate Paiz talks about how working with the live action teaser gave a deeper insight into feelings and the moment-to-moment lives of the characters in Rohan. Utilizing these insights, Director Mitch Cohen states, "We're creating a three-dimensional world through their performances." But Tolkien purists need not worry that the expansion is based heavily on that short clip made just for the game. Todd Demelle, Online Art Director, notes that the team relied heavily on Tolkien's text to get the feel of Rohan. He highlighted the importance of authenticity, stating that the team was "focusing a lot on authenticity, making sure that the materials and the construction and the various things that make up the Rohan culture are as true as authentic as [it] can make them." The video also treats viewers to some of the vistas in-game. Check it out after the break. [Source: Turbine press release]