

  • Confessions of A Homebrew Virgin

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Write us something about homebrew, my overlords command me, and my heart skips a beat. You see, I have a dark secret that, until now, has remained private: you could write what I know about Nintendo DS homebrew on the back of a postage stamp. And not even one of those bigger special edition stamps they introduce at Christmas, but a regular tiny stamp.A lot of you, I suspect, will be in the same boat as me, and this article is addressed to all of my fellow homebrew neophytes. Rather than simply pretend to know what I'm jabbering about, I thought I would be open about my newbie status, and write something about my first tentative steps into the world of homebrew.For this exercise, I deliberately set aside three hours (spread over a few days) to learn about and download as much homebrew as possible. I had several questions I wanted to answer: Was getting into homebrew as difficult as I always imagined? What would I gain from it? How useful are current online resources to somebody who knows nothing on the subject? Is it worth the expense? Find out by heading past the break for a view of Nintendo DS homebrew through the eyes of a rookie!

  • Homebrew dev dishes on the DS scene

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    We sit around on our butts and enjoy the fruits of homebrew laborers every day, but we don't often think about the awesome individuals responsible for the free games and programs we're loading up. What drives someone to create a game for which they won't be paid? Love of games and love of the DS, in the case of MrTyzik, who is working on the homebrewed Laser Hockey. We recently sat down with the programmer (and DS Fanboy reader!) to discuss both the DS homebrew scene and his work in progress.