

  • 5 loot ranking sites to check out

    Natalie Mootz
    Natalie Mootz

    I am often flummoxed when trying to decide which piece of loot to take from a quest or to purchase for an upgrade. I end up doing math on index cards or, if I'm really desperate, cranking out Excel and going for full-on geekery. Sometimes, though, this seems like way too much trouble and I will probably end up dumping the thing soon anyway. Although the Armory offers a "find an upgrade" tool, it's simply a list of items with stats. I still end up doing the math. So I went searching for some easier ways to figure out my next best loot options and here I share them with you. Kaliban's Class Loot Lists - Probably considered the gold standard of loot resource sites. Choose your class and then slice and dice until you find your perfect match. I found loot for level 68+. Loot Rank - Lets you enter complex stat requirements and weight the stats you like best. It seems targeted to endgame players for the most part. Lootzor - Lets you choose any level gear and even normal instance gear. Weighted stats. ShadowPanther - Rogues R us. Breaks down recommendations by every category imaginable. Druid Wiki - Recommendations for druids of all specs, including a section called "Must have quest rewards."