

  • Warlords of Draenor: EU reports from fansite play testing [Spoilers]

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    Among several others, EU fansite Mamytwink was invited to a press event in Versailles where he not only got to interview Ion Hazzikostas, but also was able to play the same character, a gnome warrior, for five hours, allowing him to finish the alliance "start" zone in Draenor, Shadowmoon Valley. This is a direct translation of Mamytwink's french bullet points covering his 5-hour playtest with some minor adaptation for clarity. Spoiler alert! The last point after the break has a spoileriffic spoiler in it. Be warned. Mamytwink played a gnome warrior in Shadowmoon Valley, the Alliance landing zone in Draenor. After around 5 hours /played and 80 quests, he completed the zone, reaching level 92 The new models are excellent (he also created a dwarf). The facial expressions are amazing! At level 91, he had 63,000 HP as a tank Mobs had approx. 100k HP His attacks hit for between 1k and 5k when not crits. Crits on certain abilities hit for 10k (Shield Slam) Level 90-91 was 597k XP, 640k for 91-92 Quests awarded between 10 and 15k XP, 20k for more difficult ones. A new type of quest has been added, "bonus objectives". When you arrive in a zone a quest may appear in your log which you earn additional XP for completing. If you leave the area, the quest disappears.