

  • GDC09: Resistance 2 patch and DLC detailed, dated for March 26

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    Resistance 2's first batch of DLC is coming soon, with details already spilling out of GDC. Insomniac has revealed the lineup in a video with Gamespot, which you can see after the break. The new content is split into two pieces: a patch (v1.50); and paid content from the PSN Store. Both will arrive on Thursday, March 26.The patch will add a new multiplayer mode -- Meltdown -- as well as a new difficulty setting for co-op play. This will give higher EXP rewards, but will be much more challenging. Finally, the patch will also allow a local co-op player to sign in with his PSN profile, saving his accumulated scores.As for the paid content, there are a number of maps being released which have been designed to allow more intimate, small scale battles. The Aftermath map pack will cost you $5.99. There are also a number of skins which will be purchasable for $0.99 each. For more details and footage of the maps, check the video after the break. [Via Just Video Games; Thanks, Alexandra]

  • Resistance Retribution online tournament starts today

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    There's $25,000 worth of Sony merchandise up for grabs in the new Global Gaming Resistance Retribution tournament, which begins today. With the game only just appearing on shelves, it's a level playing playing field for all involved. Simply head on over to the GGL website and register for either the 2v2 or 4v4 ladders. The top players as of May 10 will face off again in the bracket playoffs between May 13 and May 31.The top players overall will win various Sony goodies, including "SonyStyle gear from PlayStation, PSP system prize packs, and Resistance: Retribution inspired leather bomber jackets." So get practicing and don't forget to register. Good luck! [Via the PlayStation Blog]

  • Sony Bend to participate in PlayStation.Blog live chat tomorrow

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Resistance: Retribution is about to hit store shelves, and the masterful team behind it is Sony Bend. The team has earned critical acclaim for the impressive tech they've managed to squeeze into the Syphon Filter games on PSP. Those that want to find out more about the game and chat with the developers will get a chance tomorrow. The PlayStation.Blog is hosting a live chat event tomorrow, March 18th at 3:00PM EST.If you decide to attend, don't forget to use the phrase "bite my infected ass." We're almost 100% certain this will get your question answered.

  • Joystiq Review: Resistance: Retribution (single-player)

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    If only Resistance: Retribution hadn't been on the Playstation Portable. A game with such high production values that's a direct iteration of one of the PS3's flagship franchises could have been a downloadable episode for Resistance 2 -- and about five hours shorter. That's not even getting into the pacing issues, which are exacerbated by a number of dramatic difficulty spikes throughout. %Gallery-27792%

  • See how Resistance Retribution connects to the PS3

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Resistance Retribution connects the PSP and PS3 systems in a brand new way. See what new content you unlock in the game's "Infected" mode, available for those that own both the upcoming Resistance Retribution and PS3's Resistance 2. Fans of the franchise will earn a brand new mode of playing, access new areas and weapons and get some new story bits as well.Another new feature is the ability to play the game with two analog sticks ... via DualShock 3 controls on the PS3. If you're unfamiliar with how this connectivity works, take a look at the video after the break to see how you'll be able to connect these two games.

  • Resistance Retribution uses mo-cap technology

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Motion capture is the kind of tech reserved for big-budget PS3 games. Resistance Retribution doesn't care that it's coming to PSP -- it's a big-budget game and proud of it.IGN continues its week-long look at the upcoming PSP-exclusive, and the latest video reveals the motion capture technology that powers the animation in Bend's latest shooter. We're sure you know how this stuff works: guys wear tight black suits covered in white balls that get tracked by a computer. It's oh-so-familiar, but we're thrilled to see it used in a PSP game.

  • Resistance Retribution video chronicles franchise story

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    If you own a PSP, chances are you're excited about Resistance Retribution. But what if you've never played one of Insomniac's PS3 games? Will you be in the dark?Most likely not. The story of the Resistance games are pretty easy to follow: evil alien things attack earth, you fight back. A new series of videos on IGN will chronicle some of the behind-the-scenes elements of the game. Today's video, which you can check out after the break, details the franchise's story and how it ties into the upcoming Retribution.(Also, does anyone else notice the "Rise of the Chimera" title that's in the background? Most likely it's an early name for Retribution, but it would be hilarious if we accidentally discovered a new Resistance game.)

  • Media Molecule, Insomniac head to Nordic Game Con

    Majed Athab
    Majed Athab

    While last year was marked with a strong Japanese delegation, this year's coterie of speakers at the Nordic Game Conference is more of the Western variety. Media Molecule (LittleBigPlanet), Insomniac Games (Resistance series), Tigon Studios (anything that has Vin Diesel in it) and consultancy agency Englobe have all signed up to hold sessions at the conference in Malmö, Sweden on May 19 and 20. Insomniac community manager Ryan Schneider will be there along with Tigon's head of game production Ian Stevens, Englobe founder Tom Edwards and some unnamed reps from Media Molecule. Media Molecule are probably still drawing straws at the moment as they're busy flying off to attend this week's D.I.C.E. Summit and making preparations for next month's Game Developers Conference. It might be a little too early for them to decide who'll be there in May.

  • NYCC 09: Riding a mech in Resistance Retribution

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Resistance Retribution continues to impress. Bend's upcoming prequel to Resistance 2 will be one of the best looking games on PSP when it releases next month. You should be familiar with our glowing praise of the game's standard third-person combat. The team has really nailed PSP controls perfectly. However, at Comic Con, we were able to try another section of the game. Here, players will get a chance to ride a giant mech. It's a fairly straightforward segment which gives players access to a chaingun and giant explosive missiles. The destructive power on display is rather impressive, but there are some tactics to consider.You can't spam your weapons. Players will want to keep a close eye on the bottom right side of the screen to see when their missiles are ready. When there are flying enemies, for example, it's best to aim at the floor below and let the splash damage take out a large handful of enemies. Even with regenerating armor it's pretty rough.Check out screens of this new mode in our gallery:%Gallery-44129%

  • Spiritual Guidance: Secondary stats and what to stack

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    Every Sunday (usually), Spiritual Guidance will offer practical insight for priests of the holy profession. Your host is Matt Low, the grand poobah of World of Matticus and a founder of PlusHeal, a new healing community for all restorative classes. Some requests were made recently to help newer Priests figure out what secondary stats are important and what to aim for. Matticus shall help! I know when I started playing World of Warcraft, I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to secondary stats. To be fair, stats like Hit didn't exist back in the day. This post is meant for newer Priests who aren't quite sure what these secondary stats do or what they mean. Just to be clear, primary stats are base attributes like stamina and intellect. Secondary stats are things like haste and critical strike rating.

  • Portland shooter called 'quiet, video game fan'

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    According to the Oregonian, a man who allegedly shot nine people outside a Portland, Oregon nightclub last Saturday was a player of first-person shooters. Erik Salvador Ayala (pictured) allegedly shot nine people outside of a nightclub called The Zone, killing two teenage girls and wounding seven other people before turning the gun on himself. Six of the victims were from outside of the United States and were part of a Rotary Club exchange program, while the remaining three were American. Ayala remains in critical condition as of late Sunday evening. A motive for the shooting has yet to be established, with no apparent link existing between Ayala and the victims. A neighbor claimed that he didn't own a gun.The Oregonian article describes Ayala as "a quiet man with an interest in computers and video games, not guns or nightclubs," noting that he played both Resistance: Fall of Man and Left 4 Dead. No link has been cited between the games and the shooting.[Via GamePolitics]

  • Resistance 2 patch 1.40 coming Monday, un-resets your experience

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Have you been noticeably irked by some of Resistance 2's precious little "features" (i.e. bugs)? Fear not, true believer, patch 1.40 is on its way and coming Monday, January 26. If you've noticed your multiplayer level inexplicably reset to one, you'll now get it back to the proper level, plus whatever experience you earned post-reset. The update will also correct Trophy errors, such as the one requiring 10,000 kills -- if you've done the deed but not gotten the reward, this patch will retroactively apply it. Full patch details after the break.[Via PS3 Fanboy]

  • Resistance 2 getting 1.40 patch on Monday

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Many of the bugs related to saving, progression and Trophy accumulation will be fixed in a 1.40 patch available to all Resistance 2 players this Monday (1/26). For example, some players may have had their character data mysteriously reset. Those players can take comfort in knowing that all their lost progress will be restored -- and that any additional XP earned since will still count. Those that acquired the 10,000 kills necessary for the Killing Machine Trophy will automatically unlock it once the 1.40 patch is applied.Here are the patch notes: Trophy/Medal/Ribbons "Salute Me" trophy is not awarded until player reaches level 31 (Lieutenant) "Berserker" trophy can be collected during non-ranked games "Survivor" medal can be collected in cooperative games "Sure Shot" ribbon is awarded if player has accuracy of exactly 50% Clans Added clan support for viewing members, sending invites, and setting up clan tags Default clan region is now USA

  • Resistance Retribution: to infect, or not to infect?

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Want to know what Resistance Retribution looks like when you infect it with Resistance 2? GameTrailers has posted an interesting comparison video, showing the subtle (and not-so-subtle) differences that occur when you play with an infected copy. When your game is infected, you'll have access to a new health system (regeneration), and gain access to areas that won't be available to regular players. Watch the video, after the cut.

  • Resistance Ret. pre-order demo also at GameStop, BB

    Majed Athab
    Majed Athab

    Previously, we've reported that those who pre-order Resistance Retribution from Amazon would be getting an early access demo ahead of the game's scheduled March 17 release. However, now we've come to learn that other retailers like Game Crazy, Best Buy and GameStop will also be receiving the goods.PS.Blog notes that GameStop patrons can pre-order via the online store, same with Best Buy (when their pre-order page goes up), but sadly Game Crazy is in-store only. For now, have a gander at that slick box art and make a decision -- pre-order and get demo? Or, uh, not.

  • Play Resistance 2 with Insomniac this Friday

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    This Friday Resistance 2 fans will have the opportunity to play the game against members of Insomniac. The event will take place between 7pm and 8pm GMT (that's 2pm and 3pm EST). Details on which room this will take place in will be revealed at 7pm GMT on Friday in the announcement thread on the European PS3 forums. So if you've always wanted to show the guys who made Resistance 2 just how much better than them you are at their game, this might be your chance.[Thanks Poggins]

  • Resistance Retribution in your hands March 17th

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    It feels like it's been a long time coming. Resistance Retribution has a release date at last: March 17th. Other PSP releases in March include Hammerin' Hero, MLB 09 The Show, Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce and Phantasy Star Portable. Resistance may be the best of an already-amazing lineup for March.See this video to find out more about the game. It details things we already revealed at TGS: connectivity with Resistance 2 and the ability to play with DualShock 3. A direct-feed version of the story trailer is also included in this video. [Thanks, Hashbrown_Hunter!]

  • EVE Evolved: The art of tanking - Shield tanking

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    In part 1 of this series on the world of tanking in EVE Online, I introduced the concept of tanking as it applies to EVE and explained how to select which type of tank to use with your ship. I then went on to give a complete overview of armour tanking, including the equipment and skills you'll need to succeed. In this second part of the guide, I explore the art of shield tanking. Shield tanking: In addition to the differences mentioned in the previous article, shield tanking differs significantly from armour tanking. Shield boosters can repair damage a lot faster than armour repairers due to their faster cycle time but are less efficient and will use up a lot more capacitor. An active shield tank is characterised by the use of hardeners to resist damage and a shield booster to repair damage that makes it through. However, since shield naturally recharges over time, it's possible to make a completely passive shield tank that relies on a high recharge rate rather than a shield booster. Different sets of equipment are used for these two different types of shield tank. Read on and find out all you ever wanted to know about shield tanking, including what modules and skills you can use to boost your combat performance.

  • CES 2009: The gaming sliver of Sony's ginormous booth

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Sony's a pretty big company. Shocker, right? They're busy putting out things like new digital cameras, wafer-thin displays, televisions that show realistic 3D images, and some new piece of tech that replaces your brain with a network of recycled Memory Sticks. Amazing.Still, with all that going on they do still manage to churn out games. Only a tiny part of their booth at CES was dedicated to gaming, but they managed to fit in Patapon 2, Killzone 2, Resistance: Retribution, Flower and an in-progress EyeToy game. Check them all out in the gallery below.%Gallery-41560%

  • Resistance Retribution continues to astound

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Click to start gallery. SCEA had Resistance Retribution on display at this year's CES. Bend Studios has managed to tap into the PSP in a way never seen before. Of course, graphics are one thing -- the story of Retribution looks to be quite satisfying, especially for Resistance fans. Bridging the gap between the first and second games on PS3, the story looks nothing short of epic. You'll have to check it out, after the break.%Gallery-27814%