

  • Free for All: Is a subscription the new sign of trouble?

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    I hate to continually harp on the payment model as a source for material, but let's be honest: How a player pays for a game does affect how and whether he will play. Heck, it's obvious through my comments and emails that some people will literally avoid the coolest-looking game they have ever seen if it has a cash shop tacked on or it is using a free-to-play business model. Oddly enough -- and this is an honest observation -- I rarely hear a free-to-play fan say that he will avoid a game just because of its payment model. Perhaps the long hair and free-loving ways of the free-to-player helps to keep his mind open to payment models from all walks of life? Damn frippies. Another common conversational theme that shows up almost every time we have this discussion is that free-to-play has done something wrong. Some seem to think that the free-to-play "movement" is equal to Walmart moving into their hometown, bringing lower-quality products and slower customer service with it. Of course, those same people might not admit to visiting Walmart for all of their needs and grabbing some batteries and chapstick from the impulse-buy section. It is often said that free-to-play is reserved for games that were in trouble, as if it were some sort of last-minute life preserver. Even in this scenario of free-to-play as the hero, the term becomes twisted into a shady businessman, swooping in on the elderly section of town after a tornado. Now, I've covered the possible racial and xenophobic connections to this hate for games and payment models from "Asia," and I would rather not rehash it now. I'm beginning to think the real explanation might be much simpler. Click past the cut and let's discuss.

  • Breakfast Topic: Culture permeates

    Dawn Moore
    Dawn Moore

    One of my favorite things about World of Warcraft is how much culture seeps into the game. I don't mean the influences of Asian architecture in Moonglade, or the Native American aesthetic of the Tauren race. I mean the references to internet memes, pop culture, and literature. These little things always make me smile, and they're one of the many things I missed during the 17 days I played Aion last year. Eastern games might have been where I found my first love, but it's Blizzard's flair and style that turned me on to American game development. In fact, those little jokes are a lot like a warm blanket that keeps me toasty warm on those chilly nights... But do you know what's better than an ordinary blanket? Friends at Blizzard, please hear me out. Do you see the image above? I want one. I want one like I want a Slap Chop or a Bedazzler. I want to get on my Snuggie in the World of Warcraft. I want one for the whole guild. It would be perfect for those drafty raid instances! My ordinary tabard just doesn't keep me warm from head to toe... Okay, my absurdity level is getting out of hand.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: ShamanWow

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    This week, I've got a modest list of comics for you guys, although number seven should give you something to do! Cru the Dwarf: Some very important people are about to be revealed! Once they are, we find out that our friendly dwarf could use a history lesson. Dark Legacy Comics: No one likes to be Heartbroken. Flintlocke vs. the Horde, Episode 11, Part 7: The Final Straw. Check out the guest strip hosted by GU Comics, created by Luis Amaral, Dubious Achievements. The latest LFG shouldn't be missed, even if you regularly pass on it. NoObz: The Point of it All. I think about this a lot when loot drama crops up. Ctrl+Alt+Del has spoofed a couple of Infomercials. Namely, the infamous ShamWow, the Slap Chop, and their not-so-subtle pitchman, Vince Offer. If this doesn't tickle your funny bone, Abitranni from Cenarion Circle offered up what is arguably a better parody of the ShamWow infomercial. Teh Gladiators: Just When You Thought Ghouls Would Help. World of Warcraft, eh?: Valentine Vengeance. Ebenezer and Snooch: You probably shouldn't threaten your cat in the middle of playing WoW.