

  • Khaner dies for love in latest Resistance 2 viral video

    alan tsang
    alan tsang

    Glenn Khaner, who was chosen for this week's injection on the Resistance 2 ARG website Project Abraham, dies a rather horrific death in the latest video. What is different about Khaner death is that it really tugs at your heartstrings; if you examine his dossier, it shows a transcribed conversation he had with Nathan Hale where Khaner admits he intentionally failed a placement exam in order to be sent to Alaska. Now, if you listen to Dr. Aklin's recordings, she alludes to a past relationship she had with Glenn where she "broke his heart" and talks about the guilt she currently feels as she is falling in love with Hale. It is at this point one realizes Khaner entered into Project Abraham just so he could be in the proximity of Alkin. Hale's induction video is now viewable and he is one of the candidates for injection. Currently, 76% of votes currently going to him. Who are you voting for this week? America First America Only's weekly newsletter uncovers more alleged secret government plans: the abandonment of US coastlines in the event of an invasion. Schematics of a fortress the government intents on sending people to in the case of an attack are presented to us. Accusations of brainwashing TV signals, as well a list of people who sent in tips last week can be seen on the back of the newsletter. Check it out here. [Thanks, Chunky and DeforMAKulizer!]

  • Surprise! No injections on Project Abraham this week

    alan tsang
    alan tsang

    No injection took place on the Resistance 2 viral site, Project Abraham, this week. We are guessing the man who claimed he knew no fear met his match. Though no injection took place, Oster's video still contains violence and should be considered NSFW. Oster's dossier has also been updated to reflect his new status -- including a file number, which you can type into SrpaNet as "GET 938Stockmeyer773" to view a confrontation he had with our protagonist from the previous game. Dr. Alkin's inbox update included a Rorshchach inkblot test, along with a recommendation that Glenn Khaner be the next test subject.America First America Only apparently received some tips from those of us who "hacked" into SrpaNet and published pictures of Chimeras and Cloven in their news weekly. The second page suggests that these "aliens" are from a watery planet; can that planet possibly be Earth itself? Lastly, those of you who left your number with Project Abraham last week received a call. We missed ours, but thanks to NeoGAF, we have a partial recording of the phone call for you to listen to right here.[Thanks, DeforMAKulizer and Dave!]