

  • Wynton Marsalis headlines Private Performance Series in HD

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Whether you just sacrificed a few nights out to afford the new HDTV, or don't find much reason in going out after getting one -- and with some of our readers' setups why would you? -- Morton's Steakhouse thinks they have just the thing: A private live performance by jazz great Wynton Marsalis and of course a four-course meal. Marsalis won't actually be live in front of you, you'll be sitting in Morton's "HD Suite" that seats 40 watching a satellite broadcast of his live performance on a 108-inch HD screen (no word on the resolution), with 7.2 surround sound and a limited-edition copy of the performance signed by the performer on HD DVD. It seems like they're really trying to give the feeling of a live in-person private performance with 16 cameras and the ability for guests to have a Q&A after the performance. Looks like the theater, not just the movie theater, needs to be wary of high definition if something like this catches on, two nights only, October 6th & 7th. Still, for $250 some might choose a DVR'd copy of Legends of Jazz and some takeout.

  • New "Sparks" iPod ad

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    When I was a student at Berklee, I had the distinct pleasure of seeing former student Wynton Marsalis perform. If you're a fan, you know that the Marsalis family is huge in the jazz world. Yesterday, Apple released two new ads: The Intel ad and a new iPod ad featuring Wynton himself, called "Sparks." MacTV has posted it this afternoon. It's nice to see Apple targeting someone other than pop music fans. Now go and grab it before a shoe company forces Apple to take it down.[via Engadget's podcast]