
X-Men Legends gets busted wide open

X-Men Legends

Recently, IGN got to spend some quality time with Raven Software's upcoming action RPG, X-Men Legends. Now we're all well aware of the X-Men's sordid past when it comes to videogame appearances, and at first glance, Legends may appear a bit suspect, but as Hilary Goldstein of IGN assures us, "[this is] an X-Men game to get excited about." In all, there are 15 playable X-Men, of which you (and up to three others) choose a team of four to battle it out in real-time across "immense" levels. Not to mention, Men of Action (a small team of comic book writers) is in charge of the story, so expect them to do the characters justice (even though the game takes place in its own X-Men 'universe')-there's also some classic elements thrown in for all you X-history buffs, including costumes, comics, and even playable levels. All in all, Legends is shaping up to be another promising edition in the action RPG genre, with plenty of autheticity to satify the loyal fans.