
Firefox & Mac OS X

Sure, Mac OS X has Safari, and Safari is quite good … but Firefox also runs on Mac OS X. Here’s a couple of articles for Mac users running Firefox.

Make Firefox look more OS X-y with Firefoxy
From Blogzilla: “Making Firefox widgets Apple-icious just got easier, thanks to Amake. His utility, Firefoxy, applies Kevin Gerich’s Pretty Widgets using drag-and-drop.”
Firefox 1.0 to Gain More Mac OS X Features
”On the Mac side of things, Goodger said Firefox 1.0 uses Apple’s QuickDraw technology to draw to the screen, while the Windows version uses GDI. However, he said the next big move for the Mac version of Firefox would be away from QuickDraw.” (They’re moving to Quartz, btw.)

And by the way - just how successful has our favorite browser been since it’s release? Well, according to folks at the Mozilla Foundation, it was downloaded 1,000,000 times on the day it was released. Hoohah!