
Asia Netcom testing HDTV over IPv6


In a sign of things-to-come, Asia Netcom has been testing some high-def television over next-generation Internet Protocol (IPv6). Under the Widely Integrated Distributed Environment (WIDE) program, Asia Netcom is setting up a video link between Holland, Japan and China. As part of the WIDE program, the link will be used for a live video discussion by students in all three countries.

Earlier this year, a 700km distance test of HDTV quality audio and video was successfully implemented; there was degradation of quality and no delay or latency in the content. Asia Netcom worked with cable provider, Miyagi Networks for the trial. I have to wonder if they showed "The Karate Kid" as part of the test. Maybe it's a different "Miyagi" I'm thinking of? Think about it; that man could move faster than broadband!