
KDDI's au design launches Media Skin, Hexagon and Machina

kddi media skin

Those wacky designers at KDDI's au design project are at it again, this time with some slick new cellphone designs with cryptic names and even more unusual PR shots. Tokujin Yoshioka's Media Skin, (above left), may look like a new polymer coating, but actual product shots show a more conventional, albeit sleek, case (above, right). The other two designs, Machina and Hexagon, come from Waterscope Design, and are also accompanied by suitably mysterious looking pics and pointless text. We assume that, at some point, KDDI will tell us what's so unique about these, but in the meantime, we're still hoping for a version of Media Skin that looks like the concept shot; it could be the perfect solution to everything from scratched iPod nanos to chipped fingernails.