
Sony DRM rootkit time-line recap, EFF calls for repairs

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We've been following following the unsettling Sony DRM rootkit issue here at TUAW, but BoingBoing has really been following it, in part because one of their bloggers (Cory Doctorow) is kinda with the EFF, and if you at all value your digital privacy, you should thank them for their work in protecting it.

BoingBoing put together a time-line of events starting with the discovery of the rootkit issue, and it's a fairly interesting read whether you've been on top of things or if you're wondering what all this "Sony rootkit" rubbish is all about. Unfortunately, even if you're on OS X, Sony's barbaric attempt at 'protecting' their copyrights (while directly infringing on others') will affect you too. Either way, it's an interesting read about a sad, sad situation that isn't close to being over.

In the latest installment, the EFF has written an open letter to Sony, asking the company not only to recall their blatantly infectious discs, but also to take a number of steps to make reparations for the vast amount of damage they've caused.

More after the jump.

From publicizing the dangers of the discs (which they've lied about) to compensating consumers for the time and money they've had to spend to get rid of this wayward software, the laundry list of demands is long, but I must say: I agree wholeheartedly. The tech industry has widely come to accept every bug ridden and virus-friendly blunder that Microsoft calls software, but what Sony did wasn't a mistake or a circumstantial oversight: it was a direct decision, it is malicious software, and it's about high time a mega-super-extra huge content and product conglomerate like Sony learns the lesson that actions have consequences, and consumers aren't going to take it. I just might be on board with Dan Goodin over at Wired: maybe boycotting Sony isn't such a bad idea.

Ok, soapbox done. Thanks for listening.