Apple offers free iMac upgrade to Developer Transition Kit owners
Remember all those Developer Transition Kits (DTKs) that Apple was offering to developers to help them get their apps ready for an OS X-on-Intel world? Well it looks like Apple has opened the doors for developers to return those kits with a juicy offer: return the DTK and receive a Dual Core iMac in exchange at no extra charge. Regardless of the (possible) shipping charges involved, this sounds like a pretty sweet deal, as the DTKs had pentium 4s inside - not to mention no display, no iSight, no FrontRow and no Intel Dual Core chip with which to set your desk on fire.
I would imagine most developers will bite on this deal, unless there's a bunch of developer-ish stuff that I don't know about behind the scenes here. The one question on my mind: what is Apple going to do with all those Intel-based DTKs? If they're sold as refurbs for cheap enough, I bet consumers would eat them up in a heart beat.